KIT Innovation HUB KIT Innovation HUB

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes

  • KIT Innovation HUB –
    Prävention im Bauwesen
    Ein Helmholtz Innovation Lab

    Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Geb. 330
    76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

    Sitz der Körperschaft
    Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
    KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

    Mobil: +49 170 2886556

Summarized Profile Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerdes

1983-1990 Study of chemistry at the TU Clausthal
1990 to 2001:
Head of the construction chemistry laboratory at the Institute for Building Materials, Materials Chemistry and Corrosion at ETH Zurich
November 2001 Head of the Department "Chemistry of Mineral
Interfaces" at the Institute for Functional Interfaces at the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT)
Since October 2002 Professor for Construction Chemistry (now W3) at the HS
Karlsruhe - Technology and Economics
Co-founder and chairman of the supervisory board of IONYS AG (2008), a spin-off of KIT and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
Since 2016 Scientific Director of the KIT Innovation Hub "Prevention in Construction", a Helmholtz Innovation Lab

Current focus of activities: 

  •  Prevention in civil engineering
  •  Durability of cementitious materials
  •  Sustainable infrastructure